Publisher: Qodesh Books | September 22, 2023 | Topical Books
Returning to the faith once delivered to the set-apart ones (Topics is in the side-bar) Unlearning error and learning the Truth. Living a set-apart life that leads to Eternal Life is more than our initial repentance from sin - justification...
Author: CJ Koster, WJ Wolfaardt and guests.
READ MOREPublisher: Shema Yisrael Publication, LLC | December 6, 2022 | Topical Books
id the Creator establish new Holy Days for the Christian Church such as Christmas and Easter? Are Christians supposed to be observing the Scriptural Appointed Times? What are the Scriptural Appointed Times and what is their purpose? Does the Creator...
Author: Todd D. Bennett
READ MOREPublisher: Shema Yisrael Publications, LLC | December 6, 2022 | Topical Books
What is the Scriptural basis for the belief in the Messiah? Do the Scriptures provide a way for us to know and understand the identity of the Messiah? Was Jesus the Messiah and if so, is he returning? Todd D....
Author: Todd D. Bennett
READ MOREPublisher: Shema Yisrael Publications, LLC | December 4, 2022 | Topical Books
When will the Messiah come and what are the signs of His coming? Is there a Church that replaced Yisrael and who is the Bride? In this highly acclaimed book, and the culmination of the Walk in the Light series,...
Author: Todd D. Bennett
READ MOREJune 8, 2020 | Topical Books
Excerpt from "The Moedim of YHWH and their Fulfillment in Messiah Yeshua." Many Christian theologians teach that Yeshua fulfilled the Spring Feasts in His First Coming and will fulfill the Fall Feasts in His Second. This book will show that...
Author: Bruce R. Booker
READ MOREOctober 25, 2016 | Topical Books
As Believers in the Messiah, how do we celebrate the feasts? Do we simply follow the traditions of our Jewish brothers, or is there something more we need to see about Israel's appointed times? To answer, we need to ask...
Author: Batya Wootten
READ MOREOctober 25, 2016 | Topical Books
World-renowned Bible translator and commentator George M. Lamsa explains nearly one thousand crucial idioms that will enrich reading of the Old and New Testaments for students and general reader alike. Lamsa, who was raised speaking Aramaic in a community that...
Author: George Lamsa
READ MOREOctober 25, 2016 | Topical Books
[Come out of Her my People - Afrikaans Translation] This well researched book, first published in South Africa in 1986, under the title "Die Finale Reformasie", explains in detail the origin of the Christian Faith as we know it today....
Author: C.J. Koster
READ MOREOctober 25, 2016 | Topical Books
Is the Church today what Messiah intended it to become, or have other influences caused it to drift drastically off course? Can we really know what the original ancient course was? Christianity Reconsidered is the product of a former Christian...
Author: Warren Bowles
READ MOREOctober 21, 2016 | Topical Books
This inspiring book will help you better understand the dynamics of your worship of the Heavenly Father. It will take you beyond the pale of other worship books. It continues where they leave off. This encouraging book will answer your...
Author: Chester Anderson and Tina Clemens
READ MOREPublisher: Key of David Publishing | October 21, 2016 | Topical Books
Your destiny in Messiah Yeshua is forever linked to Israel. He preached the gospel of its kingdom. His disciples spoke of the restoration of David's fallen house - a restoration that includes all who sojourn with Israel. Only when we...
Author: Batya Ruth Wootten
READ MOREOctober 21, 2016 | Topical Books
The majority of studies on Paul have taken a similar perspective--one well entrenched in the contemporary Church. This perspective might be generally characterized as follows: When Paul came to faith in Yeshua, he underwent a conversion from one religion (Judaism)...
Author: Tim Hegg
READ MOREOctober 21, 2016 | Topical Books
Acclaimed on five continents as the book about the Arab-Iraeli conflict that every believer should read, some 60,000 copies of The Mountains of Israel have been sold in English, Norwegian, Spanish, and Telagu. German and Hebrew translations are yet to...
Author: Norma Archbold
READ MOREOctober 21, 2016 | Topical Books
Join Rood on a journey ''out of Babylon'' and away from its pagan traditions to uncover long - lost truths preserved in the Bible. The reader is invited to leave behind his modern, western Gentile mentality behind as Rood explores...
Author: Michael Rood
READ MOREOctober 21, 2016 | Topical Books
Where did the practices and beliefs of Roman Catholicism come from? In this scholarly classic, first published over eighty years ago, Alexander Hislop reveals that many Roman Catholic teachings did not originate with Christ or the Bible, but were adopted...
Author: Alexander Hislop
READ MOREOctober 21, 2016 | Topical Books
An astonishing realization has recently gripped the Christian world: "Jesus Christ" was not a blond-haired, blue-eyed Gentile. Yeshua of Nazareth was raised in an observant Jewish family in a culture where the Torah (five books of Moses) was the National...
Author: Nehemia Gordon
READ MOREPublisher: Hilkiah Press | October 21, 2016 | Topical Books
An astonishing realization has recently gripped the Christian world: "Jesus Christ" was not a blond-haired, blue-eyed Gentile. Yeshua of Nazareth was raised in an observant Jewish family in a culture where the Torah (five books of Moses) was the National...
Author: Nehemia Gordon
READ MOREOctober 20, 2016 | Topical Books
Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus: New Testament: by Michael Brown Jacket Description/Back: "The New Testament is full of historical inaccuracies." "The Gospels portray a mythical Jesus." "Jesus was a false prophet." Jewish people commonly raise objections to Christianity based on the New Testament. In the fourth volume of his highly regarded series, Michael Brown explains the Christian response to thirty-four such objections. He addresses questions about issues such as how the New Testament quotes and interprets the Old Testament, the historical accuracy of the New Testament, apparent contradictions in the Gospels and the rest of the New Testament, pagan influences on Christian teachings, and whether Jesus abolished the Torah With detailed responses based on careful research of the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic texts, and the New Testament, Brown thoroughly and respectfully answers these objections and invites Jewish seekers to consider the possibility that the new covenant they have been waiting for is already here. "This is a wonderful resource for study of the relationship between Christianity and Judaism."--Darrell Bock, research professor of New Testament studies and professor of spiritual development and culture, Dallas Theological Seminary "There is no other contemporary resource like this, and it will no doubt be useful in countering not just Jewish objections but the objections of so many other skeptics and naysayers of the New Testament."--David Brickner, executive director, Jews for Jesus "Brown's answers to objections are carefully thought out, honest, and well researched. His work provides a useful model on how to do apologetics for all who are interested in articulating and defending the Christian faith"--Craig Keener, professor of New Testament studies, Palmer Theological Seminary of Eastern University Publisher Marketing: A Jewish person has different objections to Jesus than an atheist, yet most apologetics books are geared toward conversing with non-religious people about the gospel. Michael L. Brown, a Jewish believer in Jesus, has been writing popular books on talking with Jews about the Messiah for years. Now he takes those discussions even further with this newest volume of Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus. It focuses on the New Testament and traditional Jewish objections to Jesus, giving believers the important background information they need when discussing matters of faith with people who share many of their beliefs. This book is the perfect starting point for gentile and Jewish Christians who wish to speak intelligently with their Jewish friends or family.
Author: Michael L Brown
READ MOREOctober 20, 2016 | Topical Books
"The Torah doesn't speak of Jesus at all!" "You're completely misinterpreting Isaiah!" "This verse has absolutely nothing to do with your Jesus! It's not even a messianic prophecy!" "As for the real messianic prophecies, Jesus fulfilled none of them." These...
Author: Michael L Brown
READ MOREOctober 20, 2016 | Topical Books
Respectful, thoroughly documented answers to twenty-eight of the weightiest theological objections progressively reveal how belief in Jesus is deeply rooted in Jewish concepts and teaching....
Author: Michael L Brown
READ MOREOctober 20, 2016 | Topical Books
Author: Michael L Brown
READ MOREOctober 20, 2016 | Topical Books
Destined to be a classic on the subject, The Passover Papers is a refreshingly new approach to the Passover time element problem - including exciting new material which finally resolves the discrepancies between the Gospel of John and the Synoptic...
Author: Paul R. Finch
READ MOREOctober 20, 2016 | Topical Books
The New Covenant Validates Torah is a study that we all need. Many Messianic Believers know that we should honor the Torah of Moses and that it is eternal as Yeshua (Jesus) told us. Yet, many of us cannot readiliy...
Author: John Mckee
READ MOREOctober 20, 2016 | Topical Books
People want to know the future. They want to know about Heaven and Hell.Who is not concerned about issues beyond today's news? We want to know what the Bible teaches about The World to Come, an expression used by Jewish...
Author: by Derek Leman
READ MOREOctober 20, 2016 | Topical Books
A Prayer to Our Father is the exciting journey of faith of a Jewish Bible scholar and an African American pastor who join forces to uncover the truth about the most beloved prayer in the Christian world. Their gripping adventure...
Author: Nehemia Gordon and Keith Johnson
READ MOREOctober 20, 2016 | Topical Books
The messianic festivals are the Biblical rituals [Elohim] commanded the ancient Israelites to observe. These ancient rites give great detail on the first coming of the Messiah including the date on which He would arrive, the manner of His death,...
Author: Ken Johnson
READ MOREOctober 20, 2016 | Topical Books
Probably the most popular book in the highly acclaimed Walk in the Light series, this book examines the relevance and application of the Torah to all Believers. Volume 7 in the Walk in the Light Series details the treatment of...
Author: Todd Bennett
READ MOREOctober 20, 2016 | Topical Books
In the first century of the Common Era, tens of thousands of Jewish people followed Yeshua (Jesus), believing him to be the promised Messiah of Israel. They didn't renounce their heritage, their customs, nor their people. They remained Jews. Two...
Author: David H. Stern
READ MOREOctober 20, 2016 | Topical Books
First book on this important find - the symbol that many feel was the "logo" of the first Messianic church, headed by James, brother of Jesus, on Mount Zion. Reviews the historical and archeological background of the seal, and its...
Author: Reuven Efraim Schmalz & Raymond Robert Fischer
READ MOREOctober 20, 2016 | Topical Books
This book traces the Sabbath day from the first day of creation to the present day. It examines what the Scriptures have to say about this unique day that was set apart from all other days. This is a must...
Author: Todd Bennett
READ MOREOctober 20, 2016 | Topical Books
This book discusses the Name of the Creator of the Universe as detailed in the Hebrew Scriptures. It reveals both the Name of the Father and the Son that have been hidden and distorted from people through traditions of men...
Author: Todd Bennett
READ MOREOctober 20, 2016 | Topical Books
The Redeemed provides a fresh examination of a very controversial subject concerning the chosen people. While both Christianity and Judaism lay claim to this special status you will likely be surprised by the findings in this book taken directly from...
Author: Todd Bennett
READ MOREOctober 18, 2016 | Topical Books
This book is part of the highly acclaimed Walk in the Light series. It reveals that the Christian religion has long misunderstood the significance of the dietary instructions found within the Scriptures. Rather than being restrictive, the instructions are intended...
Author: Todd Bennett
READ MOREOctober 18, 2016 | Topical Books
Restoration is the first book in the Walk in the Light Series. It explores the ancient faith described in the Jewish and Christian Scriptures. restoration details how both of those religions went astray from the original faith through religious traditions...
Author: Todd Bennett
READ MOREPublisher: Hendrickson Publishers, Inc. | January 6, 2014 | Topical Books
Benjamin Davidson was a nineteenth-century master of Ancient Near Eastern Languages. 896 pages. This is undoubtedly the best Lexicon a Hebrew/English biblical scholar can use.
Author: Benjamin Davidson
READ MOREPublisher: Institute for Scripture Research | February 8, 2012 | Topical Books
Explaining the origin and meaning of the usage of words in Christendom, words such as Holy, Church, and names and titles for the Almighty like Lord, God etc. Also explaining the origins of Christian symbols such as the Cross, the Fish etc. and the origins of Christmas, Easter and many other Christian beliefs.
Author: Dr. C.J. Koster
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