Pagan Holidays - Walk in the Light Series, Volume 11

Publisher: Shema Yisrael Publication, LLC  |  Topical Books  |  Price: $59.50 ADD TO CART

Pagan Holidays - Walk in the Light Series, Volume 11

id the Creator establish new Holy Days for the Christian Church such as Christmas and Easter?

Are Christians supposed to be observing the Scriptural Appointed Times?

What are the Scriptural Appointed Times and what is their purpose?

Does the Creator really care what Holy Days we observe?

Todd D. Bennett explores thousands of years of Christian and Jewish tradition concerning the Appointed Times, often misunderstood to be exclusively Jewish Holidays. This eye opening study examines the importance of knowing and understanding the purpose and significance of the Appointed Times, which are essentially the path of restoration intended to restore fellowship between mankind and the Creator! This book also looks at alternative Holy Days adopted by the Christian religion, tracing their origin and examining the propriety of their observance.

(Paperback Copy) - 318 pages

14cm x 21.5cm

Author: Todd D. Bennett

Price: $59.50Enter Quantity:

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