All Israel Dances Toward the Tabernacle

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All Israel Dances Toward the Tabernacle

This inspiring book will help you better understand the dynamics of your worship of the Heavenly Father. It will take you beyond the pale of other worship books. It continues where they leave off. This encouraging book will answer your many dance related questions: What exactly is dance? What kind of dance is correct? How did dance originate? When did dance have it's beginning? What if I don't know how to dance? Is dance for me? Does something special happen in the Heavenlies when we dance? In our hearts, what should we be dancing toward? What is our hope? What attitudes should be residing in our hearts when we are dancing and why? Why do I feel so drawn to Hebraic dance? Why has Davidic dance become so popular among Believers of late? How does dance come into play in the glorious restoration of the Father's people, "both the houses of Israel" (Isaiah 8:14), Ephraim and Judah? This book will encourage you in your faith. It will fill your heart with hope for the Glory that is soon to be upon us! It will truly set your feet a dancing! Be sure to buy extra copies for all your dancing friends!

Author: Chester Anderson and Tina Clemens

Price: $19.80 Enter Quantity: Inc. (Ohio, USA) is an authorized retailer for goods and services provided by Qodesh Books Limited.

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