The Scriptures is a literal translation of the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) and the Messianic Scriptures (New Testament).
The Divine Name: The divine Name (the tetragrammaton),
Order of Books: The books in the Tanakh are arranged according to the original order of the Hebrew Scriptures, the Torah, the Prophets and the Writings.
Personal Names: The original Hebrew personal names of people and places are restored throughout the Scriptures, such as "Yirmeyahu" for Jeremiah, "Yeshayahu", for Isaiah and "Mosheh" for Moses and in the Messianic Scriptures, "Mattithyahu" for Matthew etc.
Book Names: The Names of all the books in the Tanakh are restored to the original Hebrew, including the books of the Torah: Bereshith (Genesis), Shemoth (Exodus), Wayiqra (Leviticus), etc, also the books of, Tehillim (Psalms), and Mishle (Proverbs) etc.
Other features:
Specifications for this Edition: Size: 6.3 x 8.3 inches [160 x 210mm], Cover and Binding: 100% Cow-hide Leather, Gold edging, Rounded corners; Thumb indexing; Head & tail bands with three satin book ribbons. Color: Black
Translated by Institute for Scripture Research
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Leather Edition Specifications
Size: 6.1 x 8.15" [154 x 207mm]
Binding: Cow-hide Soft Cover, Rounded Corners, Gilded Edges, Smyth Sewn, Head & Tail Bands, Thumb Indexes