AN APPEAL FOR A FINAL RES0LUTION by Dr. C.J. Koster We were prompted to do this study because of the disturbing remark we read in Grote Winkler Prins Encyclopedie1 (Dutch), that the uncertainty as to the true pronunciation of...
by Dr. J.H. Kellogg Pork-raising has come to be one of the great industries of this country; and since the supply is wholly regulated by the demand, it may be taken as a proper index of the prodigious quantities...
by C.J. Koster Someone, who professes to be a child of Elohim, might come to you and say, for example, "I know that I am His child, because He fills my heart with food and gladness." If Elohim gives us...
by C.J. Koster We firmly believe in the born again experience. But instead of being a means to an end, it is just the other way round for many, if not for most. A well-known American evangelist - using Acts...
by C.J. Koster It is estimated that 2300 different Christian denominations exist in the world. Is that no confusion? Where is that Faith which was "once and for all" (Jude v. 3 NEB), delivered unto the set-apart ones? Vince's Expository...
by Chris Koster edited by Wilhelm Wolfaardt We have always stood amazed and often critical at the denominations for being bound to their traditional doctrines, for their unwillingness to accept more light. In many cases, this rejection of new light...
by C.J. Koster Among true worshippers there is uncertainty about this all-important teaching. As with any other Scriptural teaching, the only way to get certainty on this issue is to diligently search all Scriptures, to scrutinise all relevant texts...
by Elhanan ben Avraham Where there is no vision the people cast off restraint" (Heb. ipara am: become unruly, get wild, run riot, run amok; also: are uncovered) Proverbs 29:18. The words of this passage of wisdom and warning well...
by Dr Chris Koster As previously discussed, this basically says, "The Church has taken the place of Yisrael." Every prophetic book in Scripture reveals to us, and many prophetic books even repeatedly speak of the blessed "turning back" of Yisrael...
by Dr Chris Koster This is a term widely used by the Messianic Yehudim (Jews) and we similarly stress the importance of making known what it means. It is a term which is relatively unknown, however almost all Christians support...
by C.J. Koster Satan (the Adversary, the Devil, the Wicked One, the Evil One) is the one who snatches away, who devours, who takes away the Word of Elohim which Yahushua sows in our hearts. We read about all this...
by Wilhelm Ya'acov Wolfaardt Qodesh means being set-apart; but what does it mean to be set-apart? The only and true definition of being set apart, is clearly defined in Scripture. Being set apart, or qodesh, is to be set-apart from...
by Ya'acov Wolfaardt This article is regarded by many as controversial. If you are offended by this article, I cannot blame you! Many years ago I would also have been offended by it, but by the mercy of the Most...
by Ya'acov Wolfaardt When we get together for Pesach, what do we do? - How do we celebrate it? The purpose of this article is not to influence believers but rather to encourage and guide them into the observance of...
by John SteedWhen Giants Stalked the Earth We are all well aware of the story of David and Golyath, how David as a young man killed Golyath who was a giant, around three metres tall. But rarely do we stop...
by C.J. Koster For the sake of ensuring that this vital message comes clearly across, I have decided to use the terminology used in the well-known traditional version of the Scriptures, such as the KJV, rather than using the latest...
by Shmuel Safrai - Jerusalem Perspective. Professor of Jewish History at the Hebrew University It is certain that [Yahushua], a Jew residing in the land of Israel in the first century, did not wear a kippah or skullcap. This custom...
by Ya'acov Wolfaardt In years, months and weeks gone by I have noticed a complete lack of Kashrut observance among the Messianic believers. This I observed among both American and other believers we came across.What does Kashrut observance entail? It...
by Dr Chris Koster Yoseph. eleventh son of Ya'aqob, having a character which one might call unimpeachable, was sold by his jealous brothers as a slave, and was taken to Mitsrayim. Here he served as slave for thirteen years, the...
by Wilhelm Ya'acov Wolfaardt "FOR WHOEVER DOES THE WILL OF MY FATHER IN HEAVEN IS MY BROTHER AND SISTER AND MOTHER." Mattithyahu (Matthew) 12:50 These were the words Yahushua spoke when His taught ones came to Him saying, "Look, Your...
by W.J. Wolfaardt There is a book called the Book of Life, in which the names of the righteous are written. This Book was probably "created" after the fall of Adam and Hawwah, when they no longer continually walked in...
by C.J. Koster Satan, the Father of all lies, has seen to it that the Sabbath of YHWH was changed to the first day of the week, Sunday. This he accomplished in the 4th Century (write to us for further...
by Dr Chris Koster The Hebrew word is mo’edim, and in the traditional versions of the Scriptures it was mistranslated as "festivals." The Hebrew for festival is chag. Although many a mo’ed is also a chag, this is by no...
by W.J. Wolfaardt The 29th verse of this chapter deals with the new gentile converts that came into the Messianic faith. The portion that we wish to discuss is the agreement at the Council of Jerusalem, where the apostles decided...
by Wilhelm Wolfaardt SETTING THE SCENE When it became time[1] for YHWH to redeem His people from Mitsrayim (Egypt), after 430 years[2], He gave Pharaoh the opportunity to let the people go. Pharaoh had the choice to let the first-born...
"A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another." Yohanan 13:34. Since the Reformation began, Luther had to deal with Johannes Agricola, and other pious leaders...